Welcome to the INSSPIRE Stakeholder Platform!

The main purpose of the platform is to connect diverse stakeholders from both higher education and non-academic sectors. The primary aim is to collaboratively identify and share real-life challenges and opportunities within the Food System & Climate Change sector in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Benin, and South Africa.

In addition to serving as a hub for stakeholder engagement, the platform showcases a selection of higher education study courses specifically chosen for the enrichment and application of the Real-life Learning Lab model (RLLL). This innovative model employs a student-centred and challenge-based teaching and learning approach. It brings together students, university educators, non-academic representatives, and community members to form interdisciplinary teams. These teams collaborate on authentic challenges sourced from the stakeholder platform, engaging in the joint creation and testing of new or enhanced concepts and solutions for pressing issues within the Food System & Climate Change sector.

You can join us on this exciting journey of interdisciplinary collaboration and real-world impact: Contact us!